Kain Tool is a market leading manufacturer of ergonomic material handling products. Our experienced design and engineering team is dedicated to providing our customers with innovative solutions that increase productivity, improve quality and enhance the ergonomics in the operator workplace.
Simple to complex we provide a complete range of both standard and custom material handling products. Kain Tool specializes in custom lift assists for all ergonomic situations. Our end effectors are designed to be fast, lightweight and easy to use. Start to finish our design team works closely with the customer to develop custom solutions that are best suited for your application. In addition to our lifting devices we design and build custom Robot End-Of-Arm-Tooling (EOAT). We are a total solution provider, from concept to build our handling devices, EOAT and overhead rail systems are designed and built in-house. We also offer on-site installation and start up support.
Design (Mechanical) – 3D SolidWorks
Design (Controls/Electrical/Pneumatic)
Clamp Handling Devices
Vacuum Handling Devices
Magnetic Handling Devices
Simple Hook Devices
Pneumatic Balancers
Servo Hoists & Assist Arms
Four Trolley Carriages
Vertical Linear Assists
Overhead, Floor Mounted
Articulating Arms
Overhead, Floor Mounted
Overhead, Floor Mounted
Torque Arm Assemblies
Torque Tube Assemblies
Specialty Tool Holders
Multiple Nutrunner Assemblies
Overhead Rail Systems
Aluminum, Steel, Free Standing,
Ceiling Mounted
Jib Cranes
Air & Electric Hoists
Installation & Start Up Support